Joining 2022 TeamApp Access Groups

3 Mar 2022 by Nic Jeffries

Dear Parents & Students,

It has come to our attention that some parents are having trouble signing up to access groups in TeamApp for 2022.

We apologise for any stress or inconvenience this is causing. Since TeamApp has recently been taken over by another company, it has made some changes to signup and auto approval processes.

Please try and join as a ‘player’ when joining the access groups and NOT as a ‘parent/guardian’ when using the following steps.

1. Click on KHHS TeamApp when you open the app;
2. Click on the setting icon in the top right corner:
3. Select ‘Access Groups’
4. Select the Access Groups you wish to join, and ensure you join as a PLAYER and enter yours/your child’s instrument

Thank you for your patience. Please join the 2022 ensemble access groups as soon as possible. The 2021 access groups and chat logs will be archived very soon and we will be relying on connecting through these 2022 groups.

Kind regards,

The KHHS Band Conductors and Committee

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